Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cellular Phone Towers…Good or Not?

Cities nearly everywhere have some concerns about construction of cellular towers to carry signals to all of us hopelessly addicted cell phone users. Irvine California has now extended its ban on cellular towers, recently extending the moratorium on cellular towers for yet another year by unanimous vote of the city council.

Obvious opposition comes from wireless companies but what about the citizens? More and more citizens are foregoing land lines in their home and running all calls through their cell phones…now that is a concept I can understand. As a business owner I receive 70% of my daily phone calls on my cell phone…even when I’m sitting in my office, which has numerous land lines! You know why? Because people think “I can always find him on his cell phone”.

So, it may be time for creativity with cell phone towers. How about camouflage to make them look like tree? You know… that artificial Christmas tree look?! I think it could work. Then…everyone wins! More towers, not unsightly to look at, and better cell phone reception.

We’ve got a lot of creative people out there…how about a few ideas?
Your comments are welcome.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Huntington Beach has a Plan for Water Run-Off

Huntington Beach hopes to use Talbert Lake (now an 8 acre dry bed) as an opportunity to gather run-off water before it hits our ocean. The plan would creatively capture about 1 million gallons of urban polluted run-off water per day and the natural filtration system of the lake would cleanse the water and make it viable for possible irrigation use.

Ideally, mother nature helps this process as debris is screened at the channel diversion, shallow water areas allow UV rays to kill bacteria, microbes help turn heavy metals into insoluble deposit that gets trapped into peat and then… clean water flows into the lake.

I’m sure the plan will be checked carefully, especially because it can cost about $5.5 million to take on this project, but the benefits include 1 million gallons of less than desirable water not flowing into our ocean every day…and that is a big deal!

Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Better than just Housekeeping Tips…

A recent Martha Stewart article had a light go for me and I wanted to share several tips…

One topic discussed coffee grounds going down a sink drain and the advice was never to do this. Coffee grounds are course and gritty (no matter how fine they’ve been ground down) and can get stuck in the drain trap, where they can lead to a drain back-up. Even if those grounds made it through the drain safely, they can cause damage further down the line. Advice is don’t do it! Well, I also thought it is OK to place some coffee grounds in plant soil. Strike 2 for me. The best alternative for coffee grounds going into the drain or into your plant soil is to include them into a compost pile which can later serve as an excellent soil additive.

Another topic was electrical lamp cords under carpets. Walking over the carpet can create wear on the electrical cord leading to the cord fraying after time and this creates a fire hazard.

Just a couple of ideas which I hope you’ll find helpful. For more info you can visit

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Feel at Home with Plants…but Help Your Plants Feel at Home

I love having plants at my office and in my home. I’ll admit that I have a few silk ones too. And silk plants require some work…cleaning them. They look real and they add a nice touch but the real plants are cool…and they are a living thing. But, we’re all busy people and I like indoor plants that look great but don’t require too much maintenance.

Here are a couple of ideas for your plant selections…
Rather than just pick something that catches your eye, think about the location where the plant will be placed, how much nurturing the plant will require, how regularly it will need water. Then think…do you have the time to address all those things, so that the plant will not die.

When you figure out the location for the plant, you will also then know how much sunlight it receives and that will help you understand how frequently the plant will require water and vitamins.

When at the plant store or nursery look for the healthy plants, read a little about that plant and ask questions while you are there. Make sure the plant has a good drainage pot. When you get that plant back to the office or home, don’t overwater, because that can kill the plant. And to create a larger impact, consider plant groupings.

Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Saturday, September 27, 2008

65 Pound Super Super Featherweight Boxer…

There was a fascinating story in our local newspaper recently about a 10 year old 65 pound girl who is barely 4 feet tall and enjoys boxing. Not watching it…actually boxing in the ring. In fact, she is nearly undefeated in competition that boasts a 10 -1 record.

In recent years we have seen MMA (mixed martial arts) and Kickboxing competition steal away fans and viewers from traditional boxing. Perhaps youngsters and women in boxing will draw viewers and fans back to the sport.

My question is why? Or perhaps, why not?

Should women be involved in blood sports like boxing or mixed martial arts?

Your comments are encouraged.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is it Monday Yet? Battle Cry of Football Fans…Wearing Thin?

For many years Monday Night Football has brought people all over this country together. From pubs in Boston, to bistros in Miami, to bars in Chicago, San Francisco and LA.

Monday Night Football was and is something everyone looks forward to at the end of that famous 1st working day of the week.

But over the years, we have developed Thursday Night Football and Sunday Night Football games as additional entertainment. Great for us football fans but doesn't have that same feel as Monday Nights…you know, that feeling of 'what do we do now?' that comes around in January when there is no more Monday Night Football until next season…

Does Thursday Night Football and Sunday Night Football dilute the impact and meaningfulness of Monday Night Football? That is the question and your comments are welcome…

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Large Inventory = Brush up on Negotiating Skills

There are many homes for sale in California and it's important to remember that so many other things can be negotiated besides price. If a home is priced right there are still other items to consider negotiating such as closing cost credits, inspection fees, repairs, and even the length of escrow.

But if you are looking for the best deal you might consider that the homes newly listed may be priced more in line with the market and those homes that have been on the market for long periods of time may be the best deal… if you go after them. Sellers on the market for a long period of time may have been in denial with their original value analysis and perhaps are now coming to grips with the market. Maybe those homes that have been on the market for a long time will accept an offer price they never thought they would have many months ago. That is because seller motivation can increase over time and there are seasonal considerations which can also create a negotiating advantage.

In any event, please be sure to look at a "comparative market analysis" prepared by a Realtor to assist and support you in making your offer. Working with a professional is the first step toward success.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

What are the Right Reasons to Downsize?

Does moving to a smaller home always have to do with growing older? Let's talk about some of the reasons to downsize…
Sure, some people downsize to save money but what about the following:

1) Less stairs to climb
2) Single level living
3) Life style change
4) Shorter commute
5) On site amenities

Now, if you think about the hot points listed above, don't they sound like a condo? A low rise, mid or high rise development? Facts are that despite opinions about condos or mid and high rise developments, they do offer a very viable life style alternative that can be enjoyed by all ages. And I really mean enjoyed…not just saving money! Newer condo developments have numerous amenities that make them like a "condo-tel". That is a fancy word for condos with hotel amenities like a theatre, a fitness center, a business center, a wine cellar, a clubhouse, a billiard room and concierge services. And, they are usually within walking distance to shops, markets and restaurants.

I'm suggesting that condos are, and always will be a good lifestyle and an investment opportunity. What are your thoughts? Please send your comments.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Gas Price Reductions Don’t Add Up to Oil Price Reduction…

I’m pretty good with math. But when it comes to gas prices I’m pretty sure that everyone is pretty good! And for me, the numbers don’t add up. Let’s take a look…

When oil was $147 a barrel, gas prices at the pump were about $4.59 in Orange County for regular grade fuel.

Now, oil is at about $92 - $97 per barrel depending on which day it is (and which financial institution is crying out for help). My math says this is a $50+ decline in the price of oil which is about 40% off the high and gas costs $3.69 which is about 90 cents lower or a 20% drop in cost.

Why don’t we get a 40% drop in fuel costs if oil drops by 40%? Do you know the answer?

What’s happening in your area? Please send in comments.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards, Michael Caruso Broker ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

The Perfect Ride in Real Estate….

By now most people know there is no perfect ride in the real estate market. There are up’s and down’s in real estate, some more protracted than others but overall, the average “market” moves in approximately 4 year cycles.

NAR (the National Association of Realtors) has tracked statistics and tells us that the average home nearly doubles in value every 10 years. I believe that statistic is for the last half century, so it is not a snap shot. And, we all know that over the long term, real estate shows to be a great investment. Plus…think of the tax advantages and peaceful enjoyment of home ownership.

July 2008 showed buyers returning to the marketplace despite facts that show us the “crisis” (be it financial or housing, or both) may not be over just yet. What that shows is the yearning to own a home outweighs the predicament of trying to guess the “bottom” and wait to own a home. July sales were at the 2003 pace in Southern California…and 2003 was a very good year.

Barron’s magazine said recently “Home prices are about to bottom”. The chief economist for the California Association of Realtors (Leslie Appleton-Young) said recently “Anyone who tells you they know what the next 2 years look like, really doesn’t know…Nobody really knows”.

So, it’s safe to say there is no perfect ride in real estate. But it is great to come home to a home you own. Think long term and think home ownership. History still shows it’s a great way to live! Your comments are welcome.

Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards, Michael Caruso Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Run a Company Into the Ground…Walk Away with Millions?

By now, everyone has heard the news. Merrill Lynch & Company will be bought by Bank of America.

The Bloomberg news just reported that the CEO of Merrill, Mr. John Thain and two former colleagues he recruited to join him from Goldman Sachs may reap almost $200 million for their year (and what a year it was) if they leave or are given a lesser role after Bank of America completes its acquisition of the brokerage.

Thain, who got a $15 million bonus when he was hired in December, stands to get an additional $11 million in accelerated stock payouts if he doesn’t stay after the deal. His friend and Trading chief Thomas Montag may get $76 million inclusive of bonus and accelerated awards. And Strategy head Peter Kraus was given $95 million (nice strategy there) including bonus and stock awards.

A Merrill spokesman declined to comment on this additional $200 million in what I call additional carnage for the company and the acquiring company.

To me, this is incredulous! I’d love to hear your comments.

Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards, Michael Caruso Broker ABRM CRB CRS
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Are You a Fed Watcher?

Like ‘em or not, the Fed holds the strings to monetary policy and our eventual safety. So, most people in the real estate industry watch the Fed and its moves (or lack of moves).

On September 16, 2008 most waited anxiously for the news from the Fed on their position for a rate cut, or a hold.

Wall Street seems to show its approval or displeasure by the direction of the market after the Fed announces its intentions. And at 2:15Pm east coast time the Fed did just that. They announced a hold position…and Wall Street reacted but how can we let our personal opinion be known? I have my own opinion but just to be sure you have the Fed’s position to help you form your opinion, here is their statement as published in the LA Times…

The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the federal funds rate at 2%. Strains in financial markets have increased significantly and labor markets have weakened further. Economic growth appears to have slowed recently, partly reflecting a softening of household spending. Tight credit conditions, the ongoing housing contraction and slowing in export growth are likely to weigh on economic growth over the next few quarters. Over time, the substantial easing of monetary policy, combined with ongoing measures to foster market liquidity, should help to promote moderate economic growth. Inflation has been high, spurred by the earlier increases in the prices of energy and some commodities. The committee expects inflation to moderate later this year and next year, but the inflation outlook remains highly uncertain. The downside risks to growth and upside risks to inflation are both of significant concern to the committee. The committee will monitor economic and financial developments carefully and will act as needed to promote sustainable economic growth and price stability.

It appears to me that in the first 3 sentences there were 6 reasons to lower the fed funds rate, so I guess you know my stand on this.

Your comments are most welcome. Please send them when you have a moment.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards, Michael Caruso Broker ABRM CRB CRS
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Would You Evacuate if Told To?

Recent horrors associated with back to back to back hurricanes had me thinking and praying for all those who could or would be affected in this type of tragedy.

It also got me thinking…if I were told by the National Guard, the Governor, my local government Leadership to leave my home would I do it? Would I leave my home, my belongings, my memories and run for safety? Run for safety and wonder what is going to happen to the worldly things that became a part of my very essence…

I can tell you right now…I would not leave. I’ll put on a life vest and tough it out no matter what, but I would not leave.

What would you do? I’d love to hear your feedback on this one, so please feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards, Michael Caruso Broker ABRM CRB CRS
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
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