Real Estate News, Market Reports, Green Tips, Oc Events & Everything else in Between ~ Brought to you from your local Broker, Michael Caruso
Friday, October 31, 2008
Want Winter Herbs? Pot Plants Indoors
Do you miss those savory flavors and aromas of fresh herbs during winter months? Harsh weather can cause herbs to die over the winter months. This year, why not try planting indoors? Here are some good tips to ensure that you herbs are plentiful:
*When you move the herbs from outside to inside, check for bugs. If you choose to use these herbs in cooking, you will want to use a soap-based insect product to kill any bugs that may have hitchhiked inside.
*Cut herbs back to about half in order to set the stage for proper growth. Since plants may suffer a bit of shock from the move inside, be sure to give them more time for growth than usual.
*Ensure that the temperature where the herbs are placed is not more than sixty-five degrees. Higher temps may cause the herbs to die prematurely.
*Be sure not to water your herbs too much. One of the most common ways for a plant to die is from over watering. Water your herbs once a week or so, when the soil is dry one inch down.
Your comments are welcome...
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best Regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Disneyland’s Halloween-time Graveyard Workers
Disneyland however, has been slow to make the transformation. While the park has not failed to acknowledge Halloween, the entire park does not take on a completely different look in order to do so. Some nods to the holiday include the Haunted Mansion ride, which features characters from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” In addition, children are invited to trick-or-treat at Disneyland on October 31st.
This year, to become even more Halloween-like, decorations were put up all over Disneyland in order to continue the celebration for children. Workers were asked to create, assemble and display festive décor all over the park during graveyard shifts, in order to show Disney’s love for Halloween.
Does Disneyland still compare to other theme parks nationwide during the Halloween season?
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Feeling Blue? Try a Brain Stimulator!
The TMS procedure is non-invasive, but is a little bit out of the ordinary from the ways I’ve read about for depression treatment. A “brain stimulator” beams magnetic pulses through the skull, which is said to cause the patient’s brain cells to fire.
While the treatment is said to help patients who do not respond to pill treatment, they will pay a higher cost for this alternate therapy. TMS treatments can range from $6,000 to $10,000.
My question is, which is better? To explore new ways to treat depression that may not explain the long-term risks or to continue to try different types of pills to see which may respond to a person’s body chemistry?
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Oops…We Gave Your Money to Someone Else!
I read an alarming article in the Register this week.
Apparently the City of Newport Beach failed to update its list of homeowners…for twenty-six years! Due to this large error, royalties from fifteen city-owned municipal oil wells were sent to the wrong Newport Beach residents. These royalties amount to over $25,000! That is a big “Oops!”
Here’s the kicker: The reason the error went unnoticed for so long was because the checks sent to undeserving recipients were still cashed!
My question is, with homes changing owners as often as they do, especially in Orange County, why are the records not updated more frequently? Shouldn’t this be a monthly activity for someone who works for the city?
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Middle Age Suicide Rate Rises
Now before you go blaming the economy or the president, or real estate market or stock market you need to know that this was for the period of 1999 – 2005. Come on…those were some darn good years – so what’s up?
Middle-age men continue to kill themselves at a much higher rate than middle-age women (no wonder we’re outnumbered). Suicide rates fell slightly among blacks and Asians of all ages, as well as among white teenagers and fell among adults younger than 40 as well as people older than 65.
But the number of white people 40 – 64 who took their own lives increased to 17.5 for every 100,000 people in 2005 and was 14.9 per 100,000 people in 1999.
What do you make of this info taken from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine?
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Costco...Perfect Partner for Starbucks and Me
Well Costco just partnered with Starbucks and is selling Starbucks gift cards at 20% off.
Ok, so if you use your Costco Amex card, you get savings added into your account and mailed back to you every year, plus you get 20% off on the Starbucks gift cards you give to all your friends and clients.
I love it! Next thing I’ll be clipping coupons!
Your comments are always welcome…
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Bills Seem High? Blame Sticky Prices…
Have you ever heard of the term “sticky prices”?
In real estate, we experienced sticky prices when sellers were in denial (not a river in Egypt) about the housing price correction and falling prices. Eventually, sellers got the message and began to price homes competitively.
Well, now the same “sticky price” phenomenon continues in other areas or the economy. Like when companies raise prices or add a surcharge on products and keep those prices higher even when there is no longer a reason…like soaring oil prices.
Let’s take a look at pricing. Consumer prices are set by companies. Commodity prices are set daily on the open market. So, once a price increase is set in place it virtually never goes away. The only factors that can drive the price back down is a lack of demand, or a competitor in a category cutting prices to lure customers away from another brand.
Unfortunately for us consumers, the brands and banding together raising prices in unison…and none are worried enough about one trying to break away with another’s customers by cutting prices. That is very bad for us guys. But, as soon as the first in a category drops a price, others will follow to protect their consumer base.
Seems like consumers are always in a mess these days….your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Friday, October 24, 2008
2008 and Pirates Rule the Seas…
No, this is not an episode of Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean. This is not the 1600’s with tall ships and canons.
This is 2008 and yet tiny little ponga boats with meager outboard motors scour a patch of sea called the Gulf of Aden which is about 300 by 900 miles off the coast of Somalia and they steal huge freighters. They don’t even care what’s in the freighters; they just pirate them, threaten the crew and steal them. In fact they have seized about a dozen ships. It happens that some of these freighters are carrying arms and weapons, tanks and more.
Can anyone explain how a little ponga boat can capture a freighter?
Is this an instance where size doesn’t matter?
Help me on this one…comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
So What's the Problem?
Large Social Security cost-of living increase? Check
Dow rebounding? Check
Hurricane season over? Check
Price of oil dropping? Check
New Home Construction stopped? Check
Auto dealers offering special pricing? Check
Shop & Restaurants offering specials? Check
Election campaigns nearing an end? Check
Foreign Affairs looking good? Check
Economic bail-out in place? Check
Bernanke lowering Fed Funds Rate? Check
So, why hasn’t real estate sales picked up? Why haven’t lenders started making home loans again? Why are car loans difficult to obtain? Why is it difficult to do a “work out” with a failing loan? Why can’t we find a bottom?
Your comments are welcome…
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
So What’s the Problem?
Large Social Security cost-of living increase? Check
Dow rebounding? Check
Hurricane season over? Check
Price of oil dropping? Check
New Home Construction stopped? Check
Auto dealers offering special pricing? Check
Shop & Restaurants offering specials? Check
Election campaigns nearing an end? Check
Foreign Affairs looking good? Check
Economic bail-out in place? Check
Bernanke lowering Fed Funds Rate? Check
So, why hasn’t real estate sales picked up? Why haven’t lenders started making home loans again? Why are car loans difficult to obtain? Why is it difficult to do a “work out” with a failing loan? Why can’t we find a bottom?
Your comments are welcome…
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Compare this Crash to Others….
Remember always hearing "when I was a kid…." Or "if you think this is bad…" from old timers when talking about weather or the economy, or the infamous walk to school?
Well, here are some brief comparisons to previous crashes, so you can take stock (figuratively) in what your losses are in this correction.
Managing emotions is critical to managing ones investments and that goes for securities or real estate. Here it is October again (somehow crashes are inherent to this month) and most people have watched (hopefully ONLY watched) their shares, bonds, mutual funds crash almost across the board. Did you sell off?
To quote Yogi Berra "90 percent of the game is half mental".
Most people forgot there was a 1,000 point Dow melt down in 1998 in a period of just a few days, following the crisis in Asia.
Most people only remember the "famous crashes" of 1929 and 1987. But there were panics and crashes in 1812, 1857, 1873, 1903, 1907, 1914, 1917, 1930, 1937, 1946, 1962, 1966, 1973, 1976, and 1998. Did I mention the dot-com bust and correction from 2000 to 2003?
But markets have always recovered. Some people panic in certain markets and others see opportunity in panic markets.
We're gonna be OK. Your comments are welcome…
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Sunday, October 19, 2008
OC Father and Son Climbing to Himalayas
A 64 year old retired OC school principal and his 38 year old son, who works as a director of admissions at an OC private school will climb to the world’s sixth highest peak.
There is no margin of error for a climb like this. Everything must be tightly wound. Even the guide you choose and the course or path you take could make the difference between success and failure…and in failure can come tragedy.
This is no pine tree and babbling brook climb. It is ice and snow and rock…and bitter cold with limited oxygen.
Out there, only Mother Nature is in charge.
Good luck and safe travels to this father and son team. I hope to report their success at a later date.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Europeans Fear Going Deaf…
Well, recently in Brussels Belgium the European Union told music lovers to turn down the volume on their MP3 players for risk of permanent hearing loss from listening too long at maximum levels. These EU rules are designed for noise in the workplace, construction sites, factories and even orchestras…they aren’t just targeting MP3 listeners. But they are cautioning them!
So, aren’t I the smart one! EU scientists reported that between 2.5 million and 10 million Europeans could suffer hearing loss from listening to MP3 players at unsafe volumes (determined to be more than 89 decibels) for more than 1 hour daily for at least 5 years.
In France, Apple was forced to pull its iPod player from the shelves and upgrade the software on the device in order to limit the sound to a maximum of 100 decibels. Apple already ships a warning with each iPod that cautions “permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones or headphones are used at high volume”.
So…can you hear what I’m saying?
As always, your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
OC Beachomber Saves a Life
So…a 51 year old man who is a beachcomber, habitually walks along a beautiful San Clemente beach named “Cotton Point” for therapy on his leg. He walks with a cane. He also “adopted” a section of the beach to clean up debris (beach clean up adoption is so cool) because seeing debris annoyed the peacefulness associated with his beach walks.
One day recently, this beachcomber hears screams from the water and sees just an arm sticking up from the water. He sees nobody reacting, so he decided to act and went toward the water. He was knocked into the water by crashing waves and popped up right next to a drowning man. He grabbed the man’s hand and the next series of waves knocked them back toward shore. Then the beachcomber gained some footing and used his cane to coax the drowsing man the rest of the way in, settled him on the beach and went for help. When he returned everyone was gone…
A few days later, lifeguards saw the beachcomber and said “you saved that mans life”. They said the victim told them if the beachcomber hadn’t gotten to him, he would have drowned out there.
This beachcomber has been walking the beach for 7 years and picking up trash during his walks…now he has unselfishly saved a life (while risking his own). His name is Mark Aubrey and I would like to congratulate him.
I hope this story made you happy…your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Shoplifting…New Image in New Economy
The shoplifting rage now is price tag switching in the fitting room. Don’t think it’s just young people. Think well dressed middle age people. Yep!
Defrauding by bringing a sewing kit into the dressing room to switch a designer label and or switching a price tag to a lower one are treating the same as walking off with the item. That can be embarrassing when you are walking off in hand-cuffs.
I have an idea for shoplifters…if the outfit you want is $180 and you can only spend $110, how about charging the difference on a credit card and paying it in monthly installments!
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Adults Now Liable for Underage Drinking...
Parents may feel more comfortable knowing their barely legal children will be drinking at home, rather than sneaking out to parties--but time has come for consequences. An adult is now liable for under-age drinking if it occurs in their home. The primary goal of this law is to target "party houses". Officials hope to reduce the percentage of loud parties, underage drinking (and driving),and create a safer and healthier community.
The law has a maximum punishment of $1,000 and 6 months jail time, and at the minimum reduced to an infraction. Each violation will be reviewed case by case and the city attorney will make sentencing decisions. Alongside penalties may be community service, which may be particularly focused towards organizations such as MADD.
What do you think about this? Will it help reduce the number of alcohol-related incidents?
I'm interested in your comments. Please send your thoughts and share with me if this is happening in your community.
And thank you for making me your Orange County Real Estate connection.
Best Regards,
Michael Caruso
When is it Time to take Away Grandma or Grandpa's Car Keys?
I love my Dad and he is 85, pretty sharp and going strong. He passed his last driving and vision related test from the state. He drives himself to all his doctor visits (plenty of them) for this or that but it's all a part of general aging.
But every now and then I look at his car and there is a scratch or a ding and I ask..."how did that happen, dad?" He has no answer. Well, I begin to wonder about the cars he parks near and if he has damaged any of them. And then I wonder, what is the right age to stop driving? There is the question of dementia, diabetes or just dulling senses that can cause a serious accident.
Is there an age when a driver license should become void? Or, are we not to take a license away? Is driving a car a right of freedom or a right of license?
I would love to hear comments on this one if you find a moment....
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
King of Filmmaking Losing Films
Film production is a major economic engine for the state of California, yet we make it so difficult for companies to film here. Permits and taxes, more permits, more taxes and then some more.
Meanwhile, other states are creating incentives for filming at their locations...clever, huh?
Well, the "governator" himself Mr. Schwarzenegger wants to keep film productions here in Ka-li-fornia and his is encouraging tax incentives to do so. That's because we stand to lose tens of thousands of jobs if studios move and film in other states. Schwarzenegger was offered a cameo role in the "Terminator 4" sequel and he said "No" unless it was filmed in California. It is NO, because they are filming it in New Mexico and saving $12 Million by filming there.
Get smart Ka-li-fornia....
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Help for the Flat Footed...
Sometimes when your feet hurt, your back hurts and your whole body can begin to hurt. Ask anyone with flat feet and they'll tell you. It is documented that 25% of people are flat footed.
This is not a cosmetic problem but it causes pain and begins at an early age, carrying on throughout life.
Now there are treatments that can put that bounce back in the step of flat footed people and it's one of The OC's foot/ankle surgeons who can do it. A titanium stent is inserted into the sinus tarsi (fancy for bottom of the foot) and it helps form an arch. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes per foot and there is no "down time" or crutches, pain is minimal and no physical therapy needed.
There are old fashioned remedies as cushioned insoles and anti-inflammatories, but this surgery sounds interesting.
Learn more at and Happy running and walking.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
OC's Got "Midnight Muncheez"
Well, there is a time for everything and with drunk driving a sore spot everywhere a group of entrepreneurs has found a way to keep people safe and make a business out of it!
These guys, known as "Midnight Muncheez" provide the solution for the OC's munchie craving middle of the night consumers by selling and delivering everything from french bread pizzas, to ice cream, popcorn, peanuts, cigarettes and even toiletries in hopes of curbing the number of drunken drivers who might venture out to buy munchies after a night of partying. Some consumers just like the idea of a night time delivery service while they're kicking back watching a movie at home.
Either way, the police support the effort and it keeps drivers safer when keeping drunken drivers off the road. This business thrives in Newport Beach and hopes to expand to Huntington Beach. Most college towns should consider a service like this.
I like the entrepreneurial style and the concept because it can save a life. Good luck to "Midnight Muncheez".
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Energy Conservation Goes Way Beyond Fuel
*Electricity use per home rose 23 percent from 1981 to 2001 according to the Department of Energy.
*The Census Bureau says 89 percent of single-family homes completed in 2006 within the U.S. had installed air conditioning, up from 46 percent in 1975
*If we merely improved just 5 percent as a nation in electric efficiency we could prevent 90 large coal-fired power plants from having to be built over the next 20 years, according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
*Companies are working on software and sensor networks (EnerNOC is one) that can remotely dim lights or adjust refrigeration temperatures inside businesses, in an instant.
Your comments are welcome. And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Thrift…a Growing Choice for Teens
Tougher times create dynamics not seen before. This time there is a change in the wind for teen shoppers. Teens usually lead the fashion craze. Just think of all the 'big league' names like Abercrombie, Gap, Express and Banana Republic to name a few. You think teens are shopping as much as they used to at these stores?
A growing number of teens have turned to "Thrift Shop" clothes shopping because of a sour job market, slow economy and rising costs of clothing. That is a far cry from the free spending of recent years when teens splurged on everything from Coach handbags to Juicy Couture T-shirts!
Now, jobs for teens are less plentiful and parents who supplied extravagant allowances are feeling the economic pinch themselves.
Recent TV commercials are making it cool to be eating off the $1 dollar menu at your favorite fast food place...and the take out food section of Costco is busier than ever (cheap, but great pizza and hot dogs).
Well Thrift Stores are cool too...especially if they have a cool name for the store and save us parents some money!
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Artichokes in Your Garden? Oh Yes!
But I learned recently that artichokes are also being used as a decorative in many gardens. The large leaves of this perennial Mediterranean plant have a silver tone and it can stand on its own as a focal point.
Artichokes grow up in the Monterey area of California and I do remember some being grown in Irvine (Oh yes, we have great soil in Irvine...too bad it's all being built on). They go dormant in the summer months and in the fall they really kick it up with new leaves and a larger base. The artichokes bloom in the spring...and what could be better than a plant that compliments your landscape and provides a yummy appetizer?
Thanks for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Did You Pay Sales Tax on the Puppy or Kitten You Bought?
If I bought a puppy at one of the Mall pet stores, I bet I would have had the sales tax on my bill.
Did you know that breeders and pet stores should be charging sales tax on puppies and kittens bought there? The state of California believes this tax has always been there and is launching a campaign to remind and encourage pet sellers to charge sales tax. If a breeder or a pet store makes more that 2 sales a year, they should be charging sales tax...says the State Board of Equalization. The state thinks they are missing about $14 Million in sales tax every year on these missed pet taxes.
Next time I buy a gold fish, I'm gonna make sure they charged me tax on it...because our state needs every penny with its huge budget deficit.
Thanks for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Create Your Own Peaceful Place...
We seem to go places to find that peace or solitude like: the gym, yoga classes, pilates, the beach, church, library, a hike, a coffee shop or quiet restaurant.
Every home has enough space to create your own peaceful place. With thoughtful landscaping an out of the way area can become your peaceful place. Think about spirit gardens, meditation gardens, herb gardens, dripping water fountains...all sensory and spirit rich, fun to work on and not difficult to do. The 3 key elements in gardens for reflection and meditation are: water, lush green plants and comfortable seating. Moving or dripping water can mask distractions like noise from traffic. Plants provide shade, visual interest and oxygen.
Your "look" can be minimalist, artistic and practical. That way, your peaceful place doesn't become another work place...So think about that and maybe visit a plant nursery to get some ideas.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Nutrition Can be Undermined by Stress
Well for all of us who spend thoughtful time to instill proper nutrition in ourselves and others we care about, take heed that all the nutrition in the world won't offset a high stress lifestyle.
Let's talk about food and nutrition. Food should be consumed at the table with friends or family, good conversation and companionship. That provides stress relief which invites food to be digested properly, metabolized properly and therefore provides nutrition. Less fast foods and more home meals is an important consideration.
Take good care of your body, eliminate stress wherever possible, plan meal gatherings at the table and make an informed decision about vitamins or supplements.
Remember that kids have stress as well (homework, tests, school, social pressure), so look out for those little people too.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Invest in Yourself with Education
Isn't it true that we are always learning in our lifetime? Well, continued formal education has never been easier. We can take courses in a classroom or on line. We can listen to educational and self improvement CD's. We can listen books on CD's or download books into the new Amazon Kindle electronic reader and go paperless!
Is there any excuse for not pursuing continued education of some kind? The fact is that we're out of excuses because of progress and ease in pursuing anything educational. We can always enhance what we already know, or pick up new skills, or pursue new interests.
Education is the single best thing a person can do for him or herself.
Think about it....
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
U.S. History of Church and State
In Orange County we have several cities with the guts to again allow slogo's like "In God We Trust" around city hall. Remember when that (on all coins and paper money) was never controversial? Now, that and more is controversial, so I thought you might like to see a history of Church and State in the USA...
1791: Congress ratified the "Bill of Rights" respecting an establishment of religion.
1833: Congregational Church in Massachusetts is the last to be disestablished.
1940: In Cantwell v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court ruled for he first time that the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment applies not just to Congress, but to state governments.
1948: In McCollum v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that irt was unconstitutional for schools to set aside time during scholl for religious instruction on school premises.
1954: Congress adds words 'under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, after a campaign by the Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic organization, and other religious leaders. Two years later Congress makes "In God We Trust" the national motto.
1962: In Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that a prayer which the New York Board of regents required public school students to say each morning was unconstitutional.
1963: In Abingdon v. Schempp and Murray v. Curlett, the Supreme Court found daily Bible reading and the recitation of the Lord's prayer in public schools unconstitutional.
1971: In Lemon v. Kurtzman, the Supreme Court formulated a three pronged "establishment" test: Does the government action have a bona-fide secular of civic purpose? Does the primary effect neither advance nor inhibit religion? Does the law avoid excessive government entanglement with religions?
2002: The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declares the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional when recited in public schools because it contains the words "under God". The ruling comes from a case brought by Michael Newdow, a Sacramento atheist who didn't want his daughter to be forced to hear the pledge recited in class.
*compiled from AP news research.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards, Michael Caruso
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dramatic Oil Decline DOES NOT MATCH PUMP Prices
The greed factor has us on the short side again. The prices don't match up. We should be at $1.89 per gallon based on today's oil price of $69 per barrel. And oil is headed further south. Let's assume it takes 7 to 10 days for prices to catch up at the pumps. Well, we are still behind.
I'm just looking for the consumer to get some benefit here.
Economists say that if oil prices keep dropping, it points to continued economic slowdown. A no win situation. So, retirement accounts will dry up, but we'll be able to drive anywhere?
What a mess.
Your comments are welcome...
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best Regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Trash Cans Without Ads=High Cost for taxpayers!
Rather than pairing with a charitable organization, City Council is proposing a plan that will tax residents $9,730 as well as an “unspecified” contingency fund to replace trash cans on San Clemente beaches.
San Clemente’s contract with Adopt a Beach expires on December 31st, and the City Council is seeking change. Currently, the city has commercial cans that are provided at no cost..So my question is? Why fix what isn’t broken?
Is there any harm in having trash cans with advertisements on our beaches?
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Wall Street Fiddled While LA Burned...
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Expectations of Immediate Turnaround Could Set Up Disappointment...
2) Light lunch rather than a sit down lunch.
3) A light dinner and a movie rather than an extravagant evening out.
4) Rotate a weekend dinner at friends homes to maintain companionship while budgeting.
5) Use a bike or scooter once in a while for a quick trip to the post office or other errands.
And saved money goes into a savings account, if possible.
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
AIG...OK to "Party Hearty"?
AIG said in a recent press release that it is 'OK to party hearty'. They said they have to entertain in their customary manner to take care of clients that provide them with the business they enjoy in their AIG-AG and IFLC divisions.
Within days after accepting an $85 billion federal loan AIG hosted 820 people at The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum to celebrate their 35th anniversary. Costs? Who cares!
It gets better...
During that same period of time (the same weekend, in fact) AIG's subsidiaries spent a whopping $443,344 at the St. Regis Hotel in Monarch Beach "entertaining". We'd need a full time CPA just to calculate how much "fun money" these guys are spending.
It gets still better...
Meanwhile, the government was agreeing to another AIG loan in the amount of $37.8 billion.
Additional parties are on the horizon for AIG. They have scheduled a little get together for 400 stock brokers at the Marriott in Atlanta next week which will include airfare and hotel rooms, food and refreshments.
Wait just a minute here! If our government is funding this company than they (AIG) have to be accountable to us, the taxpayers and to the government.
But AIG thinks the parties are necessary...
We need you to weigh in on this one, please.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Bush Can't be a Lame Duck in his Last 100 days
Usually a president in his second term can just coast to the finish line.
Not this year...not this time.
We all need Bush to work hard in his last 100 days as President. No lame duck scenario can be tolerated. Our President has to be out there, calling leaders from other countries, continuing dialog with leadership and with the American people.
There are issues remaining like a mid-east peace deal, North Korea and nuclear arms, tension with Iraq, tension with Iran...the list goes on.
In addition, we hope for a smooth transition into our next presidential term. And constant monitoring of the economic challenges facing our country.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Dance at Nightclub, Help Pay for Education!
South Orange County Teen Emily Daniel had a big idea to finance her education: Open a Nightclub!
The Dana Hills High School student, who borrowed money from her Grandmother to start the LLC, uses proceeds not only to fund her college education, but also to donate to the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Stirling Nirvana nightclub is held at locations such as the Laguna Hills Community Center and the Orange County Sailing and Events Center. These dances provide high school students (ID required) with the opportunity to gather away from parents, while still providing a secure environment. With security on her payroll and parking lot sweeps to prevent backseat alcohol parties, parents need not worry about dropping students off for the evening.
Emily’s events have already proven to be great successes: her attendees range from 100-350 dancers at each event, and her MySpace and Facebook friends list is rapidly growing.
While she will be ineligible to dance at her own nightclub in less than two years (the age maximum is 18), Emily hopes to continue her entrepreneurial endeavors in college...What will her next business be??
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Donation is Music to Their Ears
There is a wonderful place in Santa Ana called the Children’s Therapeutic Arts Center. Here, children with developmental disabilities partake in after-school dance, music and art classes, which are all provided at no cost, thanks to many generous private donations and grants. The center hopes that such programs will prevent high-risk children from becoming involved in drugs and violence further down the road.
Unfortunately, the only thing the Arts Center lacked was enough instruments for their many students. This week, that all changed! Coastal International had several unsold instruments leftover from an exhibition earlier in the year, and after learning about the students and their need, donated instruments including guitars, drum sets, keyboards, saxophones and more.
In these tough economic times, it is still amazing that people are still remembering those in need. Perhaps focusing on others can help us remain thankful for what we have.
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Once Boring…Now Scoring!
In the “go-go” years from 2001 to 2005 people liked the real estate investments and the stock market roared along until 2007. But recent cycles and market corrections have kept people away from both (at least temporarily).
So where can you park some money and make a few bucks? Well that old boring CD is back in vogue. Do your homework and you’ll find some attractive yields for 3 month, 6 month and 12 month CD’s. They may be boring but they are safe.
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Angels Sitting on their Sofas...Expensive Ones!
Not for the Angels baseball team. They are once again sitting home on their sofas…expensive ones too. The team payroll has grown and the talent pool has grown, but they freeze up like Little League players and look around in dismal disbelief as they continue to get pushed aside in their quest for baseball play off recognition.
All this makes it seem that 2002 (seems so long ago) was just a “Cinderella Story” rather than building block for a strong franchise. But they are really good at building a high payroll and that’s how the players pay for those big cushy sofas to watch the play off games rather than play in the play off games.
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sports…More Important than Ever!
We love our sports.
These sports provide an escape from the pressures of life...and perhaps that is their most important feature these days.
Sporting events also create economic stimulus. Even in the worst of times people fill a college stadium and those stadiums can hold from 50,000 to 90,000 people. The fans pay for parking, beer, soft drinks and hot dogs. All this creates jobs and creates stimulus for those local economies.
But these days…it’s the escape from bad news that sports provide to us all. And Lord knows we need it.
Your comments are welcome.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Melanoma...A Clue for a Cure
The Origins of Language...
Mexico...Vacation Stop or Dental Office?
Dental treatment is about one quarter of the cost of dental work done in the US and that is if you can even get dental coverage as a part of your health plan here. What about Americans with no dental insurance? And for those with insurance, anything cosmetic in nature and that person has to pay 100% of the cost.
So those who want that perfect smile or denture repair or tooth fixed are running to Mexican border cities.
Your comments are welcome...
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
4 Legged Victims of the Housing Crisis
Animals are being dumped as more people lose their homes to foreclosure. Some people are just leaving them behind, starving in a vacant home. Others try to leave them on grazing grounds or open area. Some wild cat colonies are resulting.
Facts are, nobody is thinking about the pet problems associated with the surge of foreclosures. Animal shelters are overflowing and those being foreclosed on seem to say...'I've got myself and my family to worry can I take along a dog or cat'? Many landlords do not allow pets in rentals, and rentals are the only place a foreclosed family can turn to.
In most states, abandoning animals is illegal under anti-cruelty laws but who is out there enforcing these laws?
This is a real problem. The best plan is to plan ahead, but nobody ever plans on losing their home...
Your comments are welcome.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso
Where is "Away" When We Throw Things Away?
We did the best we could with our planning but at some point in time we'll have to come to grip with the factors facing our children and theirs. Those challenges are more than just fuel and water. They include waste and recycling...
Michael Caruso
Short on Cash for Donations??? Consider Giving Your Time
Your volunteer work is worth about $20 an hour to the recipient organization. You'll feel good too. Consider giving 1 hour of your time to your favorite charity or non profit organization this year and see how it makes you feel.
My Money...Her Money...Our Money?
Can setting a rule make people better shoppers? Can it make them do comparative pricing that they may not have done without a rule?
Is combining finances always the answer or does the yours, mine and ours approach make more sense?
Hiring a Home Contractor? Here Are Some Tips
Everyone has heard a story about the sloppy roofer, the careless carpenter or incompetent plumber. But to avoid hiring the contractor from hell, follow some smart tips:
2) Check for proper licensing and insurance.
3) Get it in writing (get a contract).
4) Secure your payments (make your check to a company, rather than an individual).
America's Fastest Growing Crime Is.....?
The answer, as you guessed from the above notations is Identity Theft.
Here are 4 quick tips for protecting yourself....
2) Order ALL THREE Free Credit Reports (federal law says you can - once a year).
3) Do an "opt out" of any unsolicited credit card offers.
4) Get friendly with a paper shredder.
Anyone have additional protection ideas or comments?
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Thoreau Influenced Greats...Like Martin Luther King Jr. and Others
Vietnam War protesters in the 1960's were influenced by Thoreau's work called "Civil Disobedience".
Yet, we seldom if ever hear mention of his name. I hope kids still learn about him in American History class. Thoreau lived a short life (died at 44 years of age from tuberculosis) but made an impact that ripples through our lives today. He believed that being a good person was more important than being a citizen and there is more to human beings than our bodies. There is human spirit too. Thoreau's writings about people fighting peacefully against bad laws was called "Civil Disobedience". Others may know of his book "Walden or Life in the Woods" where Henry described the beauties of nature and in which he urged people to act as individuals, to be independent. He also criticized the importance people place on material things.
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Live 14 Years Longer...with Simple Disciplines
For more details, the findings are posted on line in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal.
Another note: In a separate Danish study it was found that non-drinkers had a 30 percent higher risk of heart disease compared with moderate drinkers, no matter how much physical activity they undertook...
I can't recall Mom telling me to have a drink...but wine was a tradition at the dinner table. Right again Mom!
Best regards,
A Gift Card Web Site...Why Didn't I Think of That? comes another one! There is a company based in Irvine CA that allows its registered members to swap any physical gift cards of equal value between its members. The company began offering this free service around Christmas of 2007. Another service they offer is registering your gift cards and tracking the balances as well earning interest on them. That is, provided the gift card retailer offers online balance checks.
Another upcoming feature is that members will see targeted specials and discounts from retailers where they have gift cards when they log into their account.
Why do they do this cool stuff?
And...why didn't I think of that?
Best regards,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Where Does Your Food Come From?
Now the federal government has gotten on the band-wagon. A federal law takes effect this week that requires supermarkets and other big food retailers to label the country of origin for meat, produce and certain kinds of nuts.
I guess that’s good. I mean, for me, it’s not so much about the country of origin as it is the county of origin. I like my food to be grown or to be raised as close to my home as possible. That is just one great reason to live in California!
There’s an entire movement out there that is (into) the carbon footprint of the food we eat. I don’t necessarily go to that extreme. I just know that the fewer miles my food has to travel before it hits my table, the fresher it will be.
What are your thoughts? Do you care where your food comes from?
Thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
Friday, October 3, 2008
Time for a Comeback for Large Families
It seems the common thread in these shows is that the family unit is the most important thing. Consistency and multitasking ensures everyone knows their place and that their contribution is vital and appreciated.
You don’t see a lot of “Keeping Up With the Jones” type attitude in these families. They are just living their lives and doing the best they can. And they seem to be truly happy.
For many of us, we strive to have the perfect children, a wonderful spouse and a beautiful home. Whew! That’s a lot of pressure.
Maybe we should just get back to basics like our parents did and these large families seem to be doing. It sure seems to work pretty well.
You know the saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.”
Your comments are welcome…
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors