Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Did you get a bad flu shot?

Thinking about getting the flu shot? Read this, courtesy of David Letterman, to learn the top 10 ways you know know you got a bad flu shot:

10. Tastes and looks like A-1 Steak Sauce

9. Right before injecting you, doctor asks "regular or unleaded?"

8. Now that you think about it, its a little weird that the Dr office was on the D train.

7. You're shaking like a washing machine

6. Instead of the CDC, its recommended by GMC

5. Every time you sneeze your nose falls off

4. Doctor claims its made from freshly squeezed hogs

3. Nurse sterilizes the needle with her whiskey sour

2. Went in for flu shot, ended up with a frozen, severed head next to Ted Williams

1. You find this list amusing

For more David Letterman Top Tens, click HERE.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GRI GREEN

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors


Monday, October 26, 2009

Help America Recycle


America Recycles Day – What is it?

America Recycles Day is a nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products. It began in 1997 and has grown to include millions of Americans pledging to increase their recycling at home and work. In 2007, after Recycles Day began, Americans reduced the amount of electricity consumed by recycling aluminum, steel cans, plastic PET, glass containers, newsprint and corrugated packaging. By making an effort to continue recycling, natural resources will be conserved, green house gases emitted into the atmosphere will be reduced and therefore global warming will not continue to destruct our planet as greatly.

On November 15th, Americans are encouraged to show an effort and recycles reusable bags, paper, plastic, aluminum and anything else that has the possibility of being reused. Good luck and don’t forget… EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS!

Related Articles
·Recycling - Americans Recycling More, Discarding Less, EPA Says
·President Bush Wishes America a Happy 4th
·Does recycling really make a difference?
·America On The Move Day
·President Bush's Memorial Day Remarks - May 2002

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

It's Census Time

United States Census 2010

The countdown to the 2010 Census has begun, and the U.S. Census Bureau is looking to the community to ensure an accurate count. Census day is on April 1, 2010, therefore it is extremely important that people are aware and ready to participate, ensuring the accuracy of the data. The 2010 Census will have one of the shortest census questionnaires in the history of the United States, dating back to the nation’s first census in 1790; it will focus on questions such as name, gender, age, race, ethnicity, relationship and whether the householder owns or rents their home. They are hoping by making the form easier and less tedious, more participants will be willing to take the 10 minutes complete the questionnaire. The Bureau wants to stress that all answers are protected by law and strictly confidential.

Some of the main reasons for residents to be aware of the 2010 Census are:
• The federal government uses census numbers to allocate more than $300 billion in federal funds annually for community programs and services, such as education, housing and community development, health care services for the elderly, job training and more.
• State, local and tribal governments use census information for planning and allocating funds for new school construction, libraries and other public buildings, highway safety and public transportation systems, new roads and bridges, location of police and fire departments, and many other projects.
• Community organizations use census information to develop social service programs, community action projects, senior lunch programs and child-care centers.
• The numbers help businesses identify where to locate factories, shopping centers, movie theaters, banks and offices — activities that often lead to new jobs.
• The census totals are used to determine how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives (Extremely Important!)

Be a part of this revolutionizing event and help keep the data and information accurate so the United States can better help serve you!

For more information about the 2010 Census visitwww.census.gov/2010census or Contact: Public Information Office (301) 763-3691, (301) 763-3762, or facsimile (301) 457-1037. E-mail:pio@census.gov

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

Financial Planning Tips

The Internet is a wealth of information at our fingertips. And with just a few clicks you can greatly impact your personal financial stability.

Kiplinger.com and AARP.org are two website that offer more than 50 different online money calculators. These easy to navigate sites have calculators for situations you may be planning for such as retirement, college savings, real estate portfolio, or budgeting and spending. These tools do the difficult math formulas and instantly give results.

Let's say you want to decide if you should pay down credit-card debt or save more cash. Go to www.kiplinger.com/tools and find that calculator. Answer 6 questions and it gives you quick results-and further help if needed.

A simple google search for "financial calcualtors" will give you plenty more sites to choose from. But this invaluable asset can get your financial future in line. Save time, avoid errors and take advantage of this tool to become comfortable with your spending and saving habits.

And if it is time for you to invest in a home, remember me, Your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRS CRB GRI GREEN



Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make a Difference Day!

reated by USA WEEKEND Magazine, Make A Difference Day is an annual event that takes place on the fourth Saturday of every October. This year it falls on Saturday, October 24, 2009.

Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others and giving back to the community -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. Everyone can participate. You can do something big or something small, anything helps!

Need ideas? Check out the official idea generator from the make a difference website. Some easy ideas include a beach clean up, sharing your services, feeding the homeless, paint someones home who needs help, or raise money for a cause.

Now get out there and start helping! What will you be doing?

And Thank You for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRS CRB GRI GREEN

2007 President Orange County Association of Realtors



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vote Nov 3rd

Did you know that your Governmental Affairs staff at the California Association of Realtors monitors almost 3,000 pieces of proposed legislation each year that may have a direct impact on the real estate industry and your ability to conduct your business? They make sure the right legislation is passed or vetoed to keep our industry strong and make sure you have all the proper tools to do business with east.

It is more important now than ever to become involved in the political process. I know it is still a couple weeks away but please MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Don’t forget to exercise your right to vote November 3rd!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection!


2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do you have a low stress job?

High-stress job? Maybe it’s time for a new career. Here is Money and Payscale.com’s list of americas least stressful jobs (no particular order):

  1. physical therapist
  2. educational consultant
  3. college professor
  4. software developer
  5. technical writer
  6. telecommunications network engineer
  7. speech-language pathologist
  8. software architect
  9. occupational therapist
  10. civil engineer

Pretty interesting...

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Find out what homes are worth in your area!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

what is YOUR home worth?

With all this talk about the stock market improving and the recession near over, are you wondering if we are close to market stabilization?

Looking to sell? Or Buy? Curious how much YOUR home is worth? Or how about your neighbor's down the street with that great pool or remodeled kitchen?

Well you can find all that out right here with my MARKET SNAPSHOT, an interactive tool that gives you an idea of home values in your area. It also includes a ton of information like your estimated home value, homes sold in your neighborhood, list price vs. sales price, days on market, and more.

Check it out, it costs nothing and it's so simple!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best Regards,


2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Enjoy the silence

Every day gets louder and louder. Ipods, radios, television, lawnmowers, car engines, phones ringing and construction. The more technologically advance we are becoming, the louder it is getting.

This is bad news because noise has been proven to raise stress levels, which in turn can potentially cause heart and immune system problems, and raise blood pressure.

So, what can you do about it? Escape into the quiet. Around the world remain places that are surprisingly easy to get to where the constant noise of civilization simply fades away. Take a walk into the middle of nowhere. Start listening to sounds of nature like leaves crunching, the wind whistling, and birds chirping. Or next time you are feeling a little stressed close your office door, turn off your cell phone, and imagine you are in one of these seemingly quiet places...

And thank you for making me your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker



Photo credit: ©Ed Darack/Science Faction/Corbis and © Diane Cook and Len Jenshel / Getty Images

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Green Your Halloween!

As all you ghouls and goblins gear up for Halloween, don’t forget to keep it green! While your costume should be scary, your energy consumption should not. Conserve energy and save money with these few simple steps:

  • Costumes: Reuse an old costume, borrow from a friend, shop at vintage or resale stores, or make something yourself. Dress green by going as Mother Nature, Al Gore, a Farmer, a Hippie, or PETA.
  • Trick-or-Treating: GIve out healthier treats like organic candy or honey sticks. Use things you already own to collect candy like pillow cases, purses, lunch-boxes, etc.
  • Decorations: If hosting a party, avoid disposables like napkins, cups, plates, and other decor.
  • After Halloween: Compost pumpkins and other food, including candy! Use old costumes, decorations, or candy wrappers for decoupage craft projects like frames, purses, and more! (see here)
Any other Green Halloween tips? Please share here!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.


Best regards.

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors


Monday, October 12, 2009

sew and save

Sewing clothes can help you stay budget-savvy. Instead of getting rid of them at their first sign of wear, repair the items that need alteration.

You can save a lot of money by learning to sew and making the necessary fixes yourself. This may come in handy for those constant tears children seem to get in their clothes. Or you can fix the hole in a beloved teddy bear and make him new again.

After you master the art of reattaching a button, you can move on to more ambitious projects, such as hemming items and repairing holes. Hemming a pair of slacks can come in at over $15 if you take it to the tailor.

Then, once stitching is a cinch, you can make your own throw pillows, gifts, and other household items. The possibilities are endless.

Sew, what's stopping you? Lean to sew today, save cash tomorrow.

And thank you for making me your Orange County Real Estate Connection!

Best Regards,

Michael Caruso

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Planting Your Own Garden Can Be Fun and Cost Effective!

Are you looking for a way to lower your monthly grocery bills without cutting out fruits and veggies?

Recently CNN covered a story on how many Americans have decided to begin growing their own gardens where they can nourish and harvest the food they love while saving money. Most of the time grocery stores cut prices on packaged and processed foods because they are less costly and sold in bulk. Therefore, as society finds themselves in a bind for cash, many families have been forced to spend less money on nutritious fruits and vegetables, because they are a bit more pricey.
Some have even commented how their children are unaware that natural, healthy food does not come in tiny packages ready to serve. In an effort to change our youths’ minds and maintain a healthy lifestyle, parents and families across the United States have decided to encourage their children to plant and harvest their own fruits and veggies. Not only does it provide for a fun activity, but it also keeps their bodies fueled with nutrients.

Therefore, it is suggested that instead of cutting out the grocery list and “x’ing” off the foods that are healthy, because they are more expensive, try planting your own garden and watch your own food grow before your eyes!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

(information found on CNN and image provided by Google Images)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Designer Closets

Designer Closets for Less

When our closets started to look old, cluttered and outdated, my wife decided that we could spruce them up at very little cost. I was very skeptical. But after the finished product and very minimal cost, I decided that I had to share it with some fellow clients and she insisted that I write about it on my blog.

  • First she got rid of any "wire or cheap hangers".
  • Got rid of any old boxes or plastic storage boxes
  • She replaced the hangers to all black or all white. Adding non slip hangers.
  • Replaced the old storage boxes with the same coordinating color storage cases and some designer storage boxes of different shapes & sizes.
  • Added a multiple hanging purse holder.

We decided on black hangers throughout. Solid black boxes and a black & white print storage box. Added some tiffany blue boxes and hung up all the clothes by color & season.
Seriously, the black color against the clothes make the clothes stand out. She did another closet of all white & another of all grey. It's great when your doing the laundry. Just hang on the coordinating hanger. The closets looks like they got a major facelift at little cost. Everything we needed was found at all the discount retailers & chains.

We recommended this to a client, who's closet looked very messy. Now she leaves her closet doors open and is not embarrassed when buyers or agents are looking in. This is great for staging a home.

I hope you'll remember me if you learn of anyone moving to "The OC" and I will do the same!

Best regards.

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

Friday, October 2, 2009

Holiday Hiring

In the OC Register I read an article that made me optimistic about job seekers and what I've been telling my own kids and their friends -- it's never too early to start looking for a job.
As we approach the holiday season, retailers everywhere are gearing up for the start of holiday hiring. Employment experts believe that job seekers should start applying now even though retailers may delay hiring until the later months (once they see an increase in consumer demand). Seasonal workers should start applying early, since there will be an increase in applicants.

According to John Challenger, chief executive of the out-placement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc., which tracks employment, also thinks things may be improving on the retail front. He also thinks the best bets for job opportunities will be in the large retailers such as: Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buys, Barnes & Nobles, as well as shippers like UPS and Fed-Ex.

Hopefully, we will have a more promising and stronger selling season.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.


Best regards.

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors

(949) 753-7900

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Could YOU live without water...Bottles?

Do you drink bottled water? I bet at least half of you are chugging one right now or have one sitting on your desk. Ladies and Gentelemen, I think we have been ripped off. The bottled water market in America is worth over $10 Billion!

Have you ever had Evian water? Spell it backwards. N-A-I-V-E.

Our obsession with buying high priced water in a bottle is contributing to global warming. The energy that goes into making a bottle of water is astounding. To produce 31.2 billion liters of water for America's bottled water market took approximately 17.6 million barrels of oil!

Additionally, our landfills are overflowing with plastic waste. Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year, and not even 20% of bottles actually get recycled! (more info) Most bottled water is extra purified tap water (which is already purified). It is not any healthier!

So, I challenge you to drink at least a couple less bottles per week. Here are alternatives:
-Use a Brita filter. Easy, cost effective and your tap water gets purified and tastes great.

-Get a reusable bottle. SIGG makes great aluminum ones (shown). And Kleen Kanteen makes great stainless steel ones.

-Simply drink from the tap!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.



Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI

2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900
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