Pretend that you and some colleagues were wondering who threw the winning pitch in the 1990 World Series. Who would you ask? These days, you would probably say, “Let’s Google it.”
Ladies and gentleman, I have an even better search engine for you….
Next time, “Blackle” it. A Blackle search is a small step we can take to save energy in our everyday lives. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search so you will be getting relatively the same results.
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. It requires more power for a computer to display a white or light screen than a dark or black one. So by searching though Blackle, you are essentially helping our environment. Small energy savings will eventually add up.
That being said, is your website “green”? Mine is! Try changing the backgrounds of your websites or blogs to a darker color and save wattage energy.
"Blackle.com - Saving energy one search at a time".
And thank you for making me Your First GREEN Real Estate Connection in Orange County
Best Regards,
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors
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