Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Think Positive with Caruso!

Life can get tough. All of us need a pick me up every now and again. Things may not go our way or something negative may bring us down. It can be a challenge to stay positive among the ongoing challenges we face. So I thought I would provide you with some tips I have gathered from different articles that can help improve your attitude and be a more positive person when life gets tough.

1. Gratitude
Write a list of all of the things you are grateful for right now. This isn't always an easy task, but there are always things to be grateful for whether it is that you have food to eat or limbs to move. You can also decide that everyday, you will make a note of at least one thing you are grateful for. Writing these down will have the added impact of providing a reference to look back on when your attitude needs a boost.

2. Everything Happens for a Reason
Everything, I mean EVERYTHING that happens, happens for a reason. If you begin to evaluate every situation that challenges you and look at how it could be a benefit rather than a detriment to you, you will begin to change your attitude. Try and take every negative situation you come across and practice finding the positive reason for why this oculd be happening.

3. Random Acts of Kindness.
When we take time away from our own negative attitude to do something nice for someone else, it can really improve our attitude immediately. Buy someone you don't know a cup of coffee, smile to a stranger in line, send a complement to someone you care about, send a thank you card for excellent service received.

4. Exercise
I know this one is not always fun, but it honestly has a major immediate response to a negative attitude. By getting our body to move, it releases chemicals in our brains that are much needed mood enhances. Even dancing counts so have some fun with it and dance to some great music right away!

5. Celebrate your successes
Think of all of the things you have been successful doing in your life. Take full credit for everything you have done and then celebrate! Really celebrate. Put on some great music, jump up and down, party like you just won the lottery! Or just give yourself a pat on the back, because you deserve it!

6. Watch, read or listen to someone inspiring
Seeing where others have come from helps us to realize that our lives aren't so bad or that we can do it too. Find a favorite video or source of inspiration and watch it for immediate attitude shift.

7. Humor
Humor, much like exercise can cause the release of chemicals within our brains and help us to focus on something other than our negative attitude. Even the most humorless people can get benefit from laughing out loud.
We are all hard working individuals and have every right to have a positive attitude. If more of us can have a positive attitude, the world may be a better place, so keep your head up!

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards,

Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

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