Saturday, January 8, 2011

Get Social in 2011 with Caruso!

According to a report from Hitwise, an Internet analytics firm, for the first time ever, U.S. Web surfers visited the Facebook social networking site more often than any other site in 2010, beating out Google, now in the number two spot.

How can social networking help you sell more homes
Real estate is a contact sport. You want to be networking with people, both those you already know (your sphere of influence), and those you have yet to meet. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ActiveRain and RealTown are the new online elbow-rubbing (virtual), story-telling, cocktail parties of the new social world.

Don't be late to the party
You can add your virtual tours and property listings to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. But for every virtual tour or listing you post, you should be writing six or seven non-selling messages or "tweets" as they are called in Twitter. Write about what you are doing outside of business or what is happening in the neighborhood. Write about local sports, market conditions, local fairs, farmers markets or anything you might talk about with a group of friends. Think of social networking as a "virtual cocktail party" and remember your manners-let others talk and then respond; back and forth.

What social networking is not
Social networking (in most cases) will not replace your traditional methods of prospecting and networking such as "farming," Open House, Just Listed and Just Sold postcards, phone calls, cold calls, letters (snail-mail), Chamber of Commerce or the local MLS Marketing Groups.

How to get social in 2011
Let's start with Facebook. Facebook has been thought by many people to be just for young people or something that our kids use to communicate with friends. Well, this "was" true several years ago. However Facebook has evolved into much, much more. Today, Facebook has more subscribers than the entire population of the United States. In 2010, Facebook passed the 500 million member mark. And it is still growing at a rate that appears to be unstoppable.

Take action-its free
So, sign up for a free Facebook membership and create a personal profile with basic information about yourself-nothing too personal, keep it simple. The important thing is to get started today. Create a profile with a minimum of your name, contact information, picture (yes, include your picture), business, and some personal information such as hobbies, pets, etc. But remember to only share information you would be comfortable having shared on the front page of the newspaper...since virtual content "could" be seen by more people than ever read your local paper, even the New York Times. Next, start searching for your friends, associates and clients who are also on Facebook. You may be amazed at how fast your friends list grows.

And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.

Best regards.

Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

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