Fall has arrived and the holidays are approaching quickly. Throughout all the credit card usage, gifts, internet shopping and vacations, many people become susceptible to being victims of crime. Taking preventing measures will help lead you through the holiday season without jeopardizing your home and financial security.
Shopping will increase within the next few months as we prepare for gifts, dinner and festivities. Many people try and do all of their shopping in one day, and may spend hours in the same location. Please remember to always lock your vehicle and never leave any items in plain sight. If you will be doing a lot of shopping in one day, keep all of your bags with you until you are ready to drive home. Vehicle burglaries occur during this season because many people return to their vehicles to drop off the gifts they have purchased and go back into the store for more shopping, leaving their vehicles and gifts unattended. Do not give a burglar an opportunity to break in to your vehicle. When returning to your vehicle, carry your keys in your hand and be aware of your surroundings.
Many Christmas trees are decorated beautifully and showcased in the front window of a home. It is widely known that where this is a Christmas tree, there will be presents underneath it. Try not to display your presents under the tree until you are ready to celebrate the holiday. Close your blinds while you are away from home and reinforce all of your window and sliding doors with additional locks. If you will be going on vacation, try to make your house look “lived in”. Have a trusted neighbor pick up your newspaper and mail everyday. Place timers on different lamps, television and radios throughout the house at different days & ties to give the illusion of an occupied home. Also, take advantage of the free vacation checks offered by your local Police Service.
And thank you for making me Your Orange County Real Estate Connection.
Best regards,
Past President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900
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