Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Planting Your Own Garden Can Be Fun and Cost Effective!

Are you looking for a way to lower your monthly grocery bills without cutting out fruits and veggies?

Recently CNN covered a story on how many Americans have decided to begin growing their own gardens where they can nourish and harvest the food they love while saving money. Most of the time grocery stores cut prices on packaged and processed foods because they are less costly and sold in bulk. Therefore, as society finds themselves in a bind for cash, many families have been forced to spend less money on nutritious fruits and vegetables, because they are a bit more pricey.
Some have even commented how their children are unaware that natural, healthy food does not come in tiny packages ready to serve. In an effort to change our youths’ minds and maintain a healthy lifestyle, parents and families across the United States have decided to encourage their children to plant and harvest their own fruits and veggies. Not only does it provide for a fun activity, but it also keeps their bodies fueled with nutrients.

Therefore, it is suggested that instead of cutting out the grocery list and “x’ing” off the foods that are healthy, because they are more expensive, try planting your own garden and watch your own food grow before your eyes!

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Best regards.
Michael Caruso, Broker ABR ABRM CRB CRS GREEN GRI
2007 President, Orange County Association of Realtors (949) 753-7900

(information found on CNN and image provided by Google Images)

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